
Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Ballad of Lenore (Part 13)

Rod said to me "I am sorry to hear
Your father's health is worse
I had hoped to see him again
Our houses' separation a curse."

"The time has come for that to end."
I said. "The orcs prepare for war.
If they take us down, they'll come for you next.
Fight with us, keep them from your doors."

"Are you sure you need us?"
Elandon said with a smile
"An army of sylphs is no small thing
And in the hands of a child."

I did not know how to answer that
They didn't always heed my call
They unnerved me deeply, truth be told
But never will I let Baylen fall

"I don't think I'll make any plans around them
They've only two days ago appeared
They have no stake I can see in this fight
Ghosts can't be depended on, I fear"

(to be continued)
©Kiku Koibito