
Wednesday, September 30, 2020


soft topography
sunlight falls among petals
provoking full bloom

©️Sylphide poem/image 2020

Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Can't say I thought the debate went real well
Civil discourse is deader'n hell
Joe was sleepy, Donnie a jerk
Seems we should have some choices that work
It'll have to be done again, I can tell

©️Sylphide poem 2020

Monday, September 28, 2020


How might the mountain
Be hidden in mist
One day fill horizon
The next not exist
Then at midnight
By starlight is kissed

Seeming unmoved
But only rise slow
Above the clouds
Where timber won't grow
Seat of eyries
For eagles and crows

Traverse and climb 
The barren peak
Under waterfalls
Over the creeks
Until you summit
The clarity you seek

Horizons unlimited

©️Sylphide poem 2020


     People were going into the meeting room, I was one of the last. I noticed a young man looking intently at our faces as we came through the door. He was doing a thing I thought only I did. When one encounters a person, if your look carefully at their expression as they first see your face, you can tell if they are truly happy to see you in that first millisecond before they get their pleasant face up. I realized how unfair this was, people have complex internal environments shaped by a horribly random world, with levels of coping energy varying wildly. It might have little to do with how much they like you that day, perhaps they are not relating well to anyone. 
     I'd always felt I could read people pretty well. Later as I thought of the young man, I realized it might be a skill some people develop too early, scanning the face of their stressed caregiver, trying to tell what might be coming at them next.

Friday, September 25, 2020

R Commitment

Hadn't thought of you in a while
Years really, been happy
Not like when we broke up
Like removing organs
How grown into each other
Thinking we could be one
Until we rubbed each other raw
Trying to fit in a single skin
Headed different directions

Birthing to individuals again, bloody
Newly navel'd stung by light
After years cuddle-coiled together
So harsh, the sun, the sharp air
That was no longer your skin
The half of my heart gone with you
Not beating under my ear
Two pieces, so much smaller
Trading strength for wounds
Shaped differently from then on

©️Sylphide poem 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Winter Garden (1)

season changing snow
prized plants gathered for winter
unfrozen garden

©️Sylphide poem/image 2020

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


cypress fronds waving
clean fragrance strong as day warms
enduring verdance

©️Sylphide poem/image 2020