
Friday, October 30, 2020

Begin Blazing

The east aglow with the newest fire
Breathing in the flames I find ignition
Illuminate the paths for cognition
All nights fears set upon final pyres
Their funeral dirges played on lyres
Now begins today a coalition
Of my bright soul and these apparitions
To rise as the sun higher and higher

Every dawn a symphony swelling
The clouds dance slowly, stately with fine grace
A matching light, inside me a welling
Heart pounding, I ready for the great race
To find the darkest evils for felling
A hero's tale, bitter and sweet of taste

©️Sylphide poem 2020, image 2017


Monday, October 26, 2020

Summer's Taste

last of the fresh herbs
summer flavor before frost
tasting of the now

©️Sylphide poem/image 2020